Constitutional Diagnosis and Calendrical Calculations
The Modern Approach to Ba Zi
Course Series by Dr. Howard Chen, MD, FAAMA, ABOIM
Course Summary
This course uses Chinese Lunisolar calendrical calculations on birth information to determine an individual’s pre-heaven constitution and the modifications it undergoes throughout the post-heaven lifespan. The curriculum integrates and synthesizes TCM Zang Fu Theory, Five Element Theory, and Lunisolar calendrical knowledge to arrive at concrete and logical conclusions about an individual’s past, present, and future constitution, health, and personality traits.
Knowledge and discussion, as well as small group work, intensifies as the class progresses through weekly online lectures (7 hours per day for two-day weekend for 8 weekends). Modules are taught by Dr. Howard Chen, MD, FAAMA, ABOIM, the apprentice and assistant of Dr Richard Tan.
Coursework centers on a deep exploration of The Four Pillars of Destiny and Four Pillar calendrical calculations and includes:
- Explanation of the basic characteristics and use of the Chinese lunisolar calendar
- Construction of an accurate 4 Pillar Chart for any given date, time, and geographical location
- Analysis of the 4 Pillar Chart for essential details, including Day Master, Pre-Heaven Constitution, Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch interactions
- Evaluation of the effect of time, environmental, and lifestyle influences on the Pre-Heaven constitution, both from a Five Element and a 10 Spirit perspective
- Development of an advanced understanding of an individual’s 4 Pillar Chart in a clinical consultation directed towards enhancing an individual’s understanding of their personality and health
Successful completion of the Demystifying the Theory of the Five Elements seminar. A strong knowledge of traditional BaZi is required to truly absorb the depth and breadth of the advanced information presented in this course.
If you haven’t taken the prerequisite course before, it is available as an on-demand course.
Dr Eileen Han interviews Dr Howard Chen MD, who combines the best of Eastern / Western Medicine at his Chen Center of integrated medicine in Reno, Nevada.
The “Demystifying the Theory of the Five Elements” seminar is a prerequisite for the new “Constitutional Diagnosis and Calendrical Calculation” seminar.
Case Study by Howard Chen, MD, LAc
Chief Question
“My son is angry and frustrated. How can I help him?”
History of Present Question
Mother is concerned about her 5-year-old son. “He has anger and frustration issues and cannot seem to calm down. In addition, he is very active, never seeming to run out of energy, tiring his parents out. He seems to be able to hold in his anger at school but takes it out on his family when he returns home.”
Objective Data
Calendrical Calculation based on birth data reveals that the 5-year-old son has a deficient Yin Wood constitution with a Yang Water secondary element. He has rooted Yin Metal and his output pillar is Yin Fire and Yin Water. Current 10-year cycle is Yang Metal and Earth
Assessment / Plan
Given the son’s Calendrical Calculation, this 5-year-old deficient Yin Wood male would benefit from increased wood and water energies. As deficient wood energies often manifest their deficiency as anger and frustration, addition of a regularly scheduled physical activity which is woody in nature would help to restore balance to his Yin Wood energy.
For example, the organized sports of Martial Arts or Gymnastics could be beneficial, as the acrobatic moves are woody in nature and will mitigate his anger and frustration. Additionally, these sports have a high level of technical difficulty which would satisfy the rooted Yin Metal which is part of his constitution. Furthermore, the artistic and daredevil nature of these sports would align well with the Yin Fire and Yin Water aspects of his output pillar.
Case Study by Howard Chen, MD, LAc
Chief Question
“Should I continue TCM Schooling?”
History of Present Question
41-year-old female, attending a local Traditional Chinese Medicine college. She is finishing her first semester and is undecided about whether she should continue studying TCM. She finds the material interesting, but the difficulty of juggling her home life, caring for her newborn, working part time, and the daily commute to school is increasingly leaving her feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.
Objective Data
Based on birth data, patient has a slightly deficient Yin Fire constitution, with rooted Fire, Wood, and Metal elements. Her chart is additionally “book-ended” by metal and earth elements. Current 10-year cycle is rooted Yang Earth.
Assessment / Plan
Given her Calendrical Calculation, this 41-year-old deficient Yin Fire female would benefit from wood and fire energies, with variable additional benefit to be gained from water energy. Unfortunately, her chart shows that her Yin Fire constitution is continually depleted by her metal and earth bookends. In addition, she is in a rooted yang earth cycle, which further depletes her, as does her newborn and family responsibilities (both earth energy).
In general, school is beneficial to her. However, the nature of TCM school, with its structure, is mainly metal, with some water energy, which accounts for the flow of the medicine. Rather than continuing with TCM schooling, it is recommended that the patient pursue projects that she is passionate about, that would increase her joy and allow her artistic, creative, and intuitive nature to shine through. This will unfortunately be a difficult path, as her metal and earth book-ends will draw her naturally towards structure and stability.
Case Study by Howard Chen, MD, LAc
Chief Question
“Help! My infant daughter has constipation.”
History of Present Question
Father is concerned that that his 9-month-old daughter is severely constipated. He notes that she has only one small, dry bowel movement per day, and experiences severe colicky pain in the middle of the night, characteristically around 3 AM. The daughter is eating some solids, but is still breast feeding, which is supplemented with Goat’s milk.
Objective Data
Calendrical Calculation based on birth data reveals that the 9 month old daughter has an excessive Yang Metal constitution. The chart additionally has rooted metal and wood, and the output pillar is Yin Wood and Yin Metal. Her 10-year pillar has not yet started.
Assessment / Plan
Given the daughter’s Calendrical Calculations, this excessive Yang Metal female would benefit from increased water and wood energies. Thus, not only is Increasing water energy through improved hydration beneficial, but the increase of water energy through the addition of regular baths will be helpful, especially during episodes of colic.
In general, school is beneficial to her. However, the nature of TCM school, with its structure, is mainly metal, with some water energy, which accounts for the flow of the medicine. Rather than continuing with TCM schooling, it is recommended that the patient pursue projects that she is passionate about, that would increase her joy and allow her artistic, creative, and intuitive nature to shine through. This will unfortunately be a difficult path, as her metal and earth book-ends will draw her naturally towards structure and stability.