We focus on teaching the purest interpretation of Balance Method Acupuncture developed by the late, revered Dr. Richard Tan with immense humility, honor, and authenticity. Directed by Dr. Eileen Yue-Ling Han, PhD, LAc, we offer CEU/PDA approved live and on-demand pre-recorded trainings as well as support and resources you need here to become an exceptional practitioner.
Acupuncturist Locations
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While others may teach the Balance Method, Dr. Eileen Han’s discipline is the only Balance Method educational program authenticated by the late master. Dr. Han delivers the purest interpretation of Dr. Tan’s profound healing methodology through a tiered curriculum based on the ways that individuals acquire and retain knowledge, including reading, listening, hands-on practice, and continued reinforcement to optimize patient treatment and outcomes.
We provide training, certification, and online learning opportunities for those committed to learning the Balance Method, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Ba Zi. See our curriculum and register for our live and on-demand courses at our teaching platform eileenhan.com
Our Traditional Chinese Medicine training is intensive and designed to help enrich your life and those of your patients physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We welcome students from around the world to become an accredited, certified Balance Method practitioner. Once certified, you will be listed as referrals in our official directory for patients seeking a qualified, local acupuncturist.
Dr. Eileen Han leads humanitarian medical missions worldwide, providing acupuncture care to underserved communities in Vietnam, Costa Rica, Nepal, Madagascar, and Peru. Through these missions, she and her team bring relief to those with limited access to healthcare.
Join us in making a difference, by volunteering or making a small donation.
We are now accepting applications for acupuncture internships with Dr. Han in her busy San Diego practice, where she treats multiple patients every hour. Through a series of 3-hour shifts, interns shadow Dr. Han to observe her diagnostic methods, needling techniques, treatment style, and business strategies for running a bustling clinic.
Visit our online shop for additional resources. From Needle Launcher, Pa-Chi Piezo Stimulator, quality herbal formulas, to printed and digital books, we have all the support to help you to become a successful acupuncture practitioner!