
About Dr Richard Teh-Fu Tan

“You are a circuit board—the dots (points) are the switches—we program your computer system by using the circuit board and command your body to self-adjust and self-heal.”
—Dr. Richard Tan

Born in Taiwan to a family dedicated to Chinese medicine, Dr Richard Tan embarked on his journey with acupuncture at the tender age of 7. As a young man, he practiced acupuncture at a Taiwanese army hospital, where he treated hundreds of patients, in conjunction with their Western medicine treatment. In 1977, Dr Tan came to the US to seek advanced studies in Engineering. His engineering credentials brought him to San Diego, where he continued his extensive education and earned his doctoral degree in Chinese Medicine.

In 1989, he launched his practice, achieving remarkable success. Shortly thereafter, he made the decision to transition from engineering to full-time practice, driven by the desire to serve a greater number of patients.

Yet, Dr. Tan remained resolute in his pursuit of excellence. With every patient encounter, he gleaned fresh insights, refining his needle techniques and enhancing his Balance Method system. His dedication to innovation knew no bounds.

Driven by an intense desire to disseminate his lifelong innovations and clinical expertise, Dr. Tan eagerly imparted his knowledge worldwide. He conducted teachings across major cities in the US, Europe, the Middle East, Central and South America, as well as Oceania.

Until his passing in 2015, Dr. Tan continued to share his wisdom and techniques. He selected Dr Eileen Yue-Ling Han as his protege, who had undergone a decade of immersive apprenticeship and two decades of rigorous study under his guidance, entrusting her as the torchbearer of Balance Method Acupuncture.


About Dr Eileen Yue-Ling Han, PhD, LAc

Born and raised in Taiwan, Eileen benefited early on from a working education with the best practitioners. During 15 years of immersion in her family’s acupuncture needle and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) supplies business, she also received invaluable practical experience that served as the foundation for her work today.

In 1999, Eileen began her medical studies and an apprenticeship with Dr. Richard Tan and later became Dr. Tan’s personally chosen protégé and torchbearer of the methodology. Dr. Han is passionately dedicated to continuing the practice, inspiration, and influence of the Balance Method, and the extremely effective, world-renowned acupuncture methodology.

As a student, she honed her focus in internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology, traumatology, and external medicine. During this time, she also received essential training in Western medicine and practice management. Now a renowned practitioner of the Balance Method, Dr. Han delivers reliable and effective treatment for patients with a broad range of healthcare concerns. She holds a Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine from the University of East/West Medicine in Sunnyvale, CA. She has also completed a PhD in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from American Liberty University in Newport Beach, CA. She supplements her formal and practical education with continuing studies in herbology and Chinese face reading to bring a truly holistic approach to treating patients.