“Danny” is a 63-year-old male who came into the clinic with chronic, severe right-sided gluteal pain for over one year. This was originally caused by slipping and falling on ice. He received a biomedical diagnosis of ischial bursitis. The pain affects his ability to sleep. He also experiences chronic headaches, which he reports as being linked to changes in the weather.

A course of 10 chiropractic treatments, which included dry-needling, brought no improvement.

Danny was taking 750mg of Naproxen daily to no effect.

On the day of consultation, Danny presented with a deep right gluteal pain radiating down the posterior thigh, which he rated as an 8 out of 10.

He also had a dull headache radiating from the medial corners of the eyebrows into the forehead, which he rated at a 6 out of 10.



Right: Foot Taiyang Urinary Bladder


Left: Hand Taiyin Lung.


Left: Chong Zi 22.01, Chong Xian 22.02, LU 6.

Strong stimulation upon insertion.

30 minutes of needle retention.

The Academy of Acupuncture Chong Zi Chong Xian Mr Tung Points

75% gluteal pain relief; post needling, pain was 2 out of 10.

100% relief of headache.

12 treatments, three times per week for one month.

Followed by 5 treatments, once per week.

Now he receives monthly maintenance treatments.

After four treatments, Danny reported that his pain had not risen above 5 out of 10, and that it usually hovered around a 3 out of 10 since the initial treatment.

On the eight treatment, he reported that he was no longer taking Naproxen and was sleeping at night. The gluteal pain was now intermittent and never rose above a 3 out of 10.

On the twelfth treatment, Danny’s gluteal pain was now just an occasional sensitivity. He also mentioned that he had not had a single headache during the entire month.

Danny booked a second course of 5 weekly treatments, after which his gluteal pain completely resolved. He now receives monthly maintenance treatments to prevent his headaches from returning.

In this video, Dr. Eileen Yue Ling Han uses Dr. Tan’s Strategy of Twelve Magical Points

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