Low Back Pain, Debilitating


Debilitating Low Back Pain After Yoga

By Joshua Herr, M.S., Dipl. Ac. & CH (NCCAOM), LAc

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30 y.o. female had a yoga class in the morning, then sat in a meeting. After the meeting she went to her car and had difficulty getting in and out of the car. She came in for acupuncture treatment on the same day. When she came in for treatment, her back was spasming; standing was the most bearable position, and she needed to keep repositioning herself for pain relief.


The pain was more intense on the left side, but was throughout the lower back with muscle spasms extending into the mid thoracic para-spinal muscles.  Her stance was uneven and she could not stand up straight.


Step 1 – Sick Meridians: Foot Taiyang Urinary Bladder and Du Mai

Step 2 – Balance Meridians:Hand Tai Yin, Du Mai, Dr. Tan’s Quick & Dirty for Low Back Pain

Step 3 – Right: Yao Tong 5, Da Bai, Zhong Bai, LU5, LU5.5 Ashi; DU 18 Ashi.

Left Ear – Shenmen, Sympathetic, Lumbar Spine, Sciatica

Needles were first placed in the right hand (Da Bai, Zhong Bai, Yao Tong 5) and she was encouraged to move around the room. Her pain reduced 50%. She was then able to lay down, and the remaining points were added. She rested comfortably for 50 minutes.


After the treatment she was able stand up straight.


She returned the next day for treatment. Her pain was reduced, but she was cautious of bending over to pick anything up because she was afraid her back would spasm.  Sitting aggravated her low back.


On subsequent treatments, Yao Tong 5, Da Bai, Zhong Bai, LU5, and LU5.5 Ashi points were alternated between left side and right side. Scalp and Ear points were omitted in subsequent treatments.  She had a total of 8 treatments; 3/week the first week;  2/week the second week; and 1/week for two weeks.  By the sixth treatment her activities were minimally restricted.  By the 7th treatment she was able to drive 200 miles for work in a day without aggravating the lower back.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1577901161892{padding-top: 20px !important;padding-right: 20px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;padding-left: 20px !important;background-color: #d8d8d8 !important;}”]

You can find Joshua Herr, M.S., Dipl. Ac. & CH (NCCAOM), LAc on our Acupuncturist Finder page.

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In this video, Dr. Eileen Yue Ling Han demonstrates how to treat Low Back Pain with Yao Tong 5

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