
Module 1

Dr. Tan's Core Essentials

This course explores fundamental training on the Five Systems of the Balance Method, which are based on Ba Gua relationships and the Chinese Clock.  Developed by the late Dr. Richard Teh-Fu Tan, this methodology focuses on logical needling of balancing meridians to heal body ailments. Upon completion of this coursework, participants will be able to apply the concepts immediately in practice to develop effective treatments. Note that this program is recommended for both beginning and returning advanced practitioners, as cumulative theoretical learning and needling practice is absolutely necessary for continued elevation of clinical practice.

The 3-day seminar includes:

  • Discussion of Mirroring and Imaging Formats for optimal point selection
  • Live demonstration of distal point techniques (to avoid aggravation of treatment site pain) and hands-on practical applications
  • Examination of actual case studies from the presenter and participants, including complicated scenarios involving musculoskeletal pain in numerous body areas
  • A focus on the treatment of pain (eg, musculoskeletal pain and injuries; chronic pain; tingling, burning, and numbness due to a variety of causes)
  • An emphasis on the use of the least number of needles to achieve great results
  • Integration of foundational methods in a practical format for better assimilation of the material

Module 2

Dr. Tan's Point Prescriptions

This course will expand on the core principles taught in “Dr. Tan’s Core Essentials.”  All participants must have attended multiple Core Essentials seminars before advancing to this fast-paced, highly detailed coursework. Specific treatments, case studies, and demonstrations will be provided throughout.

This robust 3-day seminar includes:

  • Deep discussion on the treatment of functional and internal disorders
  • Clinical presentation of Yangming, Shaoyang, and Taiyang patterns
  • Use of the Imaging format to treat internal concerns and full-body pain
  • Advanced treatments specific to male and female disorders, such as Dr. Tan’s Eight Magical Points
  • Actual case study explorations of internal syndromes including digestive, respiratory, gynecological, and emotional disorders
  • Exploration of Meridian Conversion—the relationship of channels to the hexagrams, a specialized application of Dr. Tan’s Global-Balance Ba-Gua methods
  • Development of simple treatments that affect the body at a deep energetic level
  • Explanation of Zang-Fu diagnosis and associated Meridian diagnosis for devising effective herbal and acupuncture treatments
  • Discussion of difficult cases and hands-on demonstration showing practical applications of choosing and combining methods

Balancing the Five Elements

This seminar combines the theories behind two effective acupuncture systems: Five Element Acupuncture and the Balance Method.  It explains which elements are associated with specific hexagrams of the I Ching and then how to balance these hexagrams by using the Balance Method.  Advanced concepts of tonification and sedation will be discussed.  Likewise, this seminar will explain how these concepts can be applied to stubborn cases of stagnation, discussing case studies from the clinic and providing hands-on demonstration.   

Dr. Tan's Strategy of 12 Magical Points

In this course, Dr. Han will provide an in-depth explanation of his Strategy of Twelve Magical Points designed to treat the entire body by regulating all 12 meridians. This strategy was designed specifically for complicated pathological conditions by applying a unique combination of all twelve meridians, the Five Transporting Points, the Imaging Format, Four Segment Timing, and the Yin/Yang Balancing Dynamic. Each of these concepts will be discussed in detail in order to provide a clear understanding of the methodology behind the strategy.

Specifically, three Shu Points are selected on each limb by regions using the format of the Five Shu Point relationship to Four Segment Timing which balances the body to the fourth dimension, time. Placement of the Shu Points reflect the Imaging Format in motion beginning with the Jing-Well points at the tips of the fingers and toes and ending with the He-Sea points at the knees and elbows. The whole body is treated by the Imaging Format with the Shu Points. The arrangement of the Yin/Yang Balancing Dynamic creates a model of balance for the body, sets the symmetrical pattern into motion, and shifts the body from a state of imbalance to balance. There are 16 possible patterns which can be used when designing a treatment plan. These patterns will be discussed in terms of case studies to help assist applicants in the practical application of this method. Time will also be allotted for hands-on demonstration of the treatments.

Balancing the Eight Extra Meridians

This course expands on the I-Ching theory which forms the foundation for all systems of the Balance Method. The points of the Eight Extraordinary meridians are discussed in relation to Dr. Tan’s systems of the Balance Method. Instructor will explain how to incorporates the Eight extra meridians to increase the effectiveness of the treatments. instructor will discuss how to create effective treatments using the yin/yang balancing dynamic along with the traditional confluent points of the Eight Extras. Combining these meridians with Balance Method theory allows participants access to more powerful and expanded clinical treatments.

Instructor will discuss case studies which are best suited to treatment using the Eight Extra meridians, as well as possible contraindications for use of these meridians. As always, the instructor will demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatments through practical demonstrations.

Expand your knowledge of the Eight Extras in relation to Balance Method theory

• Learn how to incorporate the Eight Extras to enhance the effectiveness of your treatments

• Use Confluent points along with the yin/yang balancing dynamic for extraordinary results

• Discover which cases are best-suited for treatment with the Eight Extras, and which cases are contraindicated

Treating Zang-Fu Disorders with Meridian-Conversion Therapy

In this advanced course, Dr. Han will expand on the application of the Balance Method and discuss a variety of internal syndromes including digestive, respiratory, gynecological and emotional disorders. “Meridian Conversion” is one of Dr. Tan’s Global-Balance Ba-Gua methods. This class will further explore the relationships of the channels to the hexagrams of the I-Ching. By exploring these connections, practitioners will learn how to develop simple treatments that affect the body at a deep energetic level. Dr. Han will discuss how Zang-Fu diagnosis was historically used for herbal diagnosis and treatment. He will teach students how to equate their Zang-Fu Diagnosis with a Meridian Diagnosis which allows students to devise effective acupuncture treatments.

Some discussion on traditional herbal formulas, as they relate to case studies, will also be included. Finally, there will be discussion on difficult cases and hands-on demonstration of the practical application of Dr. Han’s treatments.

Smart Combos:

How to Integrate Various Balance Method Strategies

For many years Dr. Tan has shared his practical methods of treatments with thousands of students worldwide. Some of these include: Basics of the Balance Method, Global Balance, Eight-Extras Balance, 5-Element Balance, Seasonal Balance,12 Magical Points, Herbal Prescriptions, Scalp Acupuncture, Meridian-Conversion Therapy, Pulse Diagnosis and Master Tung’s Points.

This class will touch on all of these methods and what types of disorders are more suitable to certain methods. Most importantly Dr. Tan has discovered that modern-day diseases often have overlapping patterns which include both physical and mental/shen disorders. Therefore he feels many patients require a hybrid approach in which numerous strategies are combined in one treatment. This class was created so Dr. Eileen Han can help senior students who are skilled at his advanced methods and want to learn how/when to combine various treatment strategies. Dr. Eileen Han will discuss how it is important to still keep focus in each treatment so the treatment goal can be reached. Dr. Han will also discuss specific tonification and sedation techniques to help guide your treatments. This class will focus on practical knowledge and many case studies will be discussed. Dr. Han hopes that this will bring his advanced students to a new level of understanding which will extend into clinical practice. Dr. Han will encourage students to ask questions about their clinical cases and work in groups to devise treatments which will be discussed together.

Seasonal Balance

In this course, Dr. Tan will expand the application of the Balance Method and discuss Four-Segment Timing. This is an advanced method of point selection based on the rhythms of nature and the five shu-transporting points. Our sleep cycles, hormonal levels and mental states are all affected by cyclical rhythms. Dr. Tan discusses the connection between meridian points and these rhythms of our body. With this knowledge, different points will be more effective at various times of the day and during various seasons. In addition, he will expand his discussion of the I-Ching and discuss how we can create seasonal balance by using the hexagram of the current season to balance the hexagram associated with an affected meridian. This system is effective for a variety of internal and external disorders. However, particular attention will be paid to disorders that are caused or exacerbated by seasonal changes such as allergies, joint pain, muscle aches and certain types of depression. As always, case studies will be discussed to help assist participants in a thorough understanding of this advanced system.

Demystifying the Theory of the Five Elements

This course is a didactic and practical exploration of the theory of the Five Elements. This traditional approach can be applied with Sheng, Ke, and insulting cycles with Balance Method Acupuncture diagnosis and treatment. At the core of this seminar, we will explore the relationships of the Five Elements with Wen Wang Gua to show how to develop treatments that affect the body at a deep energetic level. As we dive deeper into the theory of the Five Elements, we will also dissect its interconnectivity with society and environment and the importance of patient emotions and personality when determining diagnosis and treatment. The session will close with case studies and hands-on treatment demonstrations.   

Dr. Tan’s Balance Method Acupuncture in Practice

This game-changing course is designed for acupuncturists who already have a solid foundation in treating patients. However, the Balance Method of Acupuncture is in some ways very different from traditional acupuncture. It is NOT a generic “needle these best points for” various conditions, as often seen on misleading websites and in the media. Instead, it is based on the science of meridians and holographic projection imaging.

In this seminar, you will become familiar with the Balance Method overlay grid system, which is instrumental for diagnosis and treatment of any pathology. Upon course completion, you will be able to use a logical, systemic approach to provide positive treatment results for nearly any condition or concern.

Face Diagnosis

This course is focused on integrating face reading as a key diagnostic tool in Chinese Medicine. The face reading discipline utilizes examination of specific features to reveal pathological changes in organ systems. The unique value of facial reading is that it can identify dynamics and internal shifts that may be the root of current symptoms, as well as the possible cause of future conditions. Learn how to harness this powerful methodology to level up your diagnostic and treatment prowess.

I Ching Trigrams for Practitioners

This course will cover the origin, meaning and application of the eight trigrams from the I Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes. The focus will be on the usage of the eight trigrams in clinical practice, how they are connected to the body, and how they are tools in diagnosing a patient. This course can be taken alone, or some students may choose to use it as a foundational course before taking “I Ching for Optimal Wellness” so they can gain a deeper understanding of the nature of the trigrams and how they associate to the meridians and can be used to treat diseases in modern practice.

Distance Acupuncture

These seminars explore the modern reality of Distance Acupuncture—that is, the ability to treat patients who are not physically in your presence. This approach utilizes multiple modalities, including Balance Method acupuncture, I Ching, Ba Zi, Meditation, and External Qi Gong to virtually treat patients in the location of their choosing, anywhere in the world.

When you consider the advantages of being able to treat more patients and the flexibility this offers both you and the patient, the upside is immense. Start with our 1-day Core Seminar then advance to the 1-day Advanced Seminar once you have mastered the basics.

Core Seminar (1 day)

The scientific support for Distance Meridian Healing and its role in the framework of Chinese Medicine

Using the Three Essentials/Ba Zi to determine a patient’s Energy Type

Overview of the Global Balance patterns that can be applied to Energy Types

Self-Cultivation techniques to enhance your connection with the patient’s Qi

Protocol—including communicating with patients, needling technique, retention time

Pitfalls to consider and avoid

Tips and tricks for integrating Distance Acupuncture into your practice

Advanced Seminar (1 day)

Review of Core Seminar foundation

Pathogenic principles and treatment points based on I Ching divination

Establishing the healing pathway using I Ching interpretation

Case studies

Special case uses of Distance Acupuncture, including self- and group treatment


None, however prior completion of TAA Module 2 (Point Prescriptions) and TAA BaZi Level 1 will enhance understanding of the Core Seminar material.

Completion of TAA “I Ching for Optimal Wellness” (4-day seminar) is highly recommended to establish foundational understandings for the Advanced Seminar.

I Ching for Optimal Wellness

The famous doctor Sun Yikui (ca. 1522-1699) is credited with the words “If you don’t know Yijing, you are inadequate to be called a great physician.” Several doctors in Chinese history used the Yijing, the Book of Changes, as a diagnostic tool to gain deeper insight in a patient’s condition or to pinpoint the cause of an illness. This 4-day course will cover the foundation of this more than 2500 year old book and its application: the sixty-four hexagrams.

Practitioners will learn how to apply the wisdom of this time to help gain insights about their patient’s health and guide treatments.

The first two days of the course will cover the practice of the I Ching as a tool for gaining objective insights in any situation by analyzing the hexagrams. The next two days will focus on the application of the hexagrams for medical diagnosis and treatment. At the end of the course, you will know how to use the hexagrams of the I Ching as objective advisors in your medical practice. The goal is to obtain new clinical skills which can be used as an adjunct to other treatments and help obtain positive results especially in challenging cases.