Smart Combos

Welcome to your Smart Combos quiz.

As you integrate various Balance Method strategies, what is the first complaint to consider before adding the other details about your patient?

No matter how smart you can be about designing your acupuncture treatment strategy, the smartest way is usually the most:

When treating the tendon, what depth should the needle be inserted to?

What strategy did Dr. Han utilize in treating Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD)?

Dr. Han combined Dr. Tan's Magical 8 + 1 together with Jue Yin Shao Yang Meridian Conversion. To protect the Meridian Conversion, what happened to Hand Shao Yang San Jiao Meridian?

What do you consider when picking points?

What is the name of the three-point set at the sole of the foot used to treat high blood pressure?

What are Dr Tan's 8 Magical Meridians for OBGYN?

What is the pattern for imbalance in the forward-backward direction?

Where is the ear located?