Distance Acupuncture Level 2

Welcome to your Distance Acupuncture Level 2 quiz.

1) Hexagram Thunder over Earth. What is the hexagram number in the King Wen Sequence?

2) While casting a hexagram, you throw: 2, 2, 2. What line does this create?

3) While casting a hexagram, you throw: 2, 3, 2. What line does this create?

4) You can only ask the Yi Jing questions about yourself (T/F)

5) After casting a hexagram, you judge it to be not favorable (but with a favorable resultant hexagram). What is your next course of action?

6) To begin balancing a Yang Earth individual, you would start with the meridian pairs:

7) When casting a hexagram, you accidentally drop a coin on the ground. What is your next course of action after you find the coin?

8) When querying the Yi Jing, it is important to have a question that can be answered with a Yes or No. (T/F)

9) When querying the Yi Jing, it is important to have a question that can be answered with a Yes or No. (T/F)

10) When using Yi Jing Remote Meridian Healing, the Yi Jing suggests points that you do not think are appropriate. What should you do?